Boosting light
to transform connectivity
to transform connectivity

Erbium-doped long waveguides providing optical gain with a sub-cm-square footprint

High Performance
> 30 dB on-chip gain
> 300 mW on-chip output power
Low noise figure (<5 dB)
Temperature insensitive gain

Wafer-scale fabrication
Flexible design including passive and active photonic components

Extended Range
Possibility to incorporate other ions to address a wide range of wavelengths

EDWATEC, a Swiss high-tech startup company, is an integrated device manufacturer (IDM) offering rare-earth ion-doped photonic integrated circuits.
EDWATEC specializes in providing tailored solutions through its proprietary Er-doped PIC technology for compact, scalable, and high-performance optical amplifiers and lasers. Our distinct advantage lies in access to state-of-the-art nano-fabrication facilities combined with our team’s expertise in photonics design and measurement.
We offer Monolithic and Hybrid integration of Erbium amplifiers on Silicon photonics.
Contact us:
EPFL Innovation Park, Bâtiment A,
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
IDE\UID CHE-352.589.524